A mother sought my help to feel her heart again
After losing her 30-year-old son in a snowmobile accident, this mother found me online. When she called, she told me simply, “I want to feel my heart again. I don’t know who I am.”
Like my son Reed, her son was handsome, charismatic, artistically gifted and athletic. His death made her feel hopeless. We agreed that she would benefit most from my 30-day grief program. She called me every morning as soon as she got up – sometimes as early as 4:30 a.m.
During those calls, she was able to release the grief. Plus, she begin listening to her inner voice, identifying what she wanted out of each day. During our talks, she began discovering her embodied grief.
We determined that she was ready for the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, so she could integrate her body, mind, emotions and spirit. She came to my office once a month for 3 months. In those sessions, she was able heal her heart and be “in” her body once again.
Thanks to her willingness and commitment to move beyond her grief, this lovely woman was able to discover a meaningful direction for her life. At the end of our time together, she was truly experiencing radiant joy.
In fact, I continue to be inspired by her! I think about her often, because our sons were so similar. And I’m incredibly grateful to have been her companion from shattered to radiant living.