Set Your Intention for The Wait

Advent begins today. The time of waiting for the Light. The countdown to Winter Solstice, the longest night. And December 25th - when many around the world celebrate Christmas, the dawn of Light and Love.

2020 has been a year of waiting.

Waiting in line for toilet paper and fresh lettuce.

Waiting for the quarantine to be lifted.

Waiting for a beloved to recover.

Waiting for a vaccine.

Waiting for 2-seconds of peace and quiet while attempting to work with little ones in the house.

Waiting for the grief to heal.

Earlier this week I opened my email to this message…

Good morning it 3:42 having difficult time I didn’t see a reply button but the brain fog is so bad. How long does this last? I still jittery and nervous have panic attack if I can’t remember a song or phrase that pops out of nowhere Please and thank

After taking the Grief Assessment, the writer responded, ‘What I would like to have happen…Get Healthy.’

Waiting to feel better

And can you feel it? The explosion just under the surface while we wait to feel better. Waiting to spew out toxic words and emotions. To respond to something that feels personal and really isn’t.

 “Life is a do it to yourself project.”

Dennis Waitley

So, remember with me…. You are more powerful than you think.

Are you waiting for something to happen to you?

Or, are you waiting for something to happen by you?

The first is a victim mindset. The second is choosing how to respond.

I too awoke with brain fog one morning this week. Instead of waiting for my coffee to clear it away, I went to the park and leaned against my prayer tree. To simply breathe the cool air in through my nose and the warm air out through my nose. Simply allowing and accepting the clarity that followed.

Have you allowed nature to support you today? Have you accepted nature’s beauty and grounding?

Set Your Intention for The Wait

I invite you right now to set your intention for ‘The Wait’ - until December 21st and Christmas Day.

What do you want to have happen?

Speak it aloud.

Write it to me in a reply.

Then read it aloud 10x every evening before you go to bed and again each morning.

Emphasize each word.

So, if it’s a 10-word intention, you will read it 10 times like this:

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.

I choose to let the emotions of others move through me.


Love all around, above, below, to the left and to the right, before you and behind you,


PS - Are thoughts of facing the Holidays while grieving making you feel anxious? Here’s an article you might find helpful: Checkin’ Out My Holiday Grief

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